Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Language Project

I can't attend the meeting on Wednesday.. So now we are having another meeting SATURDAY at 10 a.m.! If you would like to come. Where.. I don't know yet. I was thinking Chipotle in Hamburg. After I get the email in reply I will confirm everything! Come join if you would like!


  1. OK Here are the plans. Chipotle Saturday Nov. 3 at 11pm!

  2. I had to work!!):

    I need help on counting my stupid utterances! I can't remember what to do with repeating words and all that! I cannot find the information I had on it in my folder OR on bb! help!!!!!!!!(:

    My email is Katherine_lewis54@mymail.eku.edu OR kat.lewis90@gmail.com

    My number is 859-608-6684

    Please contact me at one or more of these three if you can help me!(: Thanks!
