Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My name is Andrea Behm. I am a Deaf Ed. major from this lovely city of Richmond. It has always been my dream to teach kindergarten, then ASL fell into my life, and I fell in love with it. Now, I want to teach ASL or be a special ed. teacher who has (a) deaf student(s). I love everything about Deaf culture and how unique it is. This summer, I am planning on being a camp counselor/dorm advisor at a deaf camp. fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. I am a Deaf Ed. major too! I haven't met many people with that major so far, even in my ASL classes. Do you know what camp you are going to? Because my friend who is an Interpreting major in ASL went this past summer to a Deaf camp and I am going with her this next summer. :)
